Customer Return Inspection

Once a customer return has been received into the designated return warehouse it must be inspected. The inspection process is initiated from the action queues Inspection tab and the received items are listed with an inspection type of Customer Return on the Inspection action queues page. When all the customer return lines have a status of "Inspected", credit invoices are created so the customer can be reimbursed for the returned items.

Sales Orders with Discounts Applied

Credit invoices are not created for returned items where the associated sales order has a discount applied at the header.

Receiving and Inspecting Customer Return Lines

You can start inspecting customer return lines even if you have lines on the same customer return that have not yet been received. The customer return header status will reflect this.

As each inspection is completed, the Inspected Quantity Accepted field on the associated customer return line is increased by the Total Quantity Accepted value for that inspection.


Customer return lines with intangible items don't require inspection.

Non Conforming Items

The inspection process establishes which of the returned items are non-conforming.

The quantity and costs of customer return items rejected at inspection is reflected on the associated customer return line when the inspection is completed.

The default value of the quantity of Non Conforming Items field on the customer return is zero. The quantity of non conforming items increments in line with the total quantity rejected as each new inspection is carried out and additional items are rejected.

The receiving inspection updates the customer return line as follows:

Receiving Inspection FieldCustomer Return Line Field
Total Quantity AcceptedInspected Quantity Accepted
Quantity of Non Conforming ItemsTotal Quantity Rejected

When the "To Return" value is equal to the sum of the "Quantity of Non Conforming Items" value plus the "Inspected Quantity Accepted" quantity value, the status of the customer return line updates to "Inspected".

Item Status Updates

Following inspection, the status of the returned items updates to one of the following:

  • Fit for resale
  • Return to vendor
  • To scrap

The customer return updates with the status of the returned items recorded during the inspection process. Once all the item statuses are updated and the customer return is fully inspected you can create a credit invoice for the items you wish to credit the end customer for.

Value of Non Conforming Items

The value of the non conforming items is calculated with the following formula:

Value of Non Conforming Items = Quantity of Non Conforming Items x Unit Price.

Customer Return Status Updates

Once the inspection of the returned items for each line has been carried out and the line quantity is accepted and confirmed by the inspector, the status of the customer return header and lines updates as follows:

  • The status of the customer return line updates to "Inspected".
  • The status of a customer return header with one line updates from "Received" to "Inspected" as there are no more lines to inspect.
  • The status of a customer return with more than one line remains at "Partially Received" if there are still lines to be received and first line of those already received is inspected.
  • The status of a customer return with more than one line remains at "Received" when the first line is inspected if all the lines have been received.
  • The status of a customer return header with more than one line updates from "Partially Received" to "Inspected" when all of the associated lines have been inspected.
  • When the "To Return" value is equal to the sum of the "Quantity of Non Conforming Items" value plus the "Inspected Quantity Accepted" quantity value, the status of the customer return line updates to "Inspected".